Holocaust Theater Catalog

Theater works relating to the Holocaust from 1933 to the present

Michael Berenbaum on Holocaust and Theater


With nearly 600 play entries written on the subject since 1933 to the present day, the Holocaust Theater Catalog is the most extensive, easily accessible catalog of Holocaust related titles ever created, forever changing the landscape of Holocaust research, education and awareness.

Working closely with National Jewish Theater Foundation founder Arnold Mittelman, the HTC was created in WordPress and is currently an adjunct of the University of Miami website, gifted to the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies. I was grateful to have been a part of this project from the beginning and was responsible for usability, planning the sitemap, design, development and research.

This was the type of worthwhile project I most enjoy working on!

“It is the counter testimony, the counterweight.”
– Michael Berenbaum
